The initial surprise: Amy is pregnant! I’m going to be a DAD!
The first appointment which included an ultrasound was today. Unfortunately, due to business at work and general absent-mindedness on my part, I wasn’t able to attend.
I’m kicking myself for the following reason:
There were two heartbeats, two heads, four hands and feet, twenty fingers and toes.
Yep. We’re having twins.
I’m going to be a DOUBLE-DAD!
I don’t really know what to think about the whole situation. I know it’ll be hard and I know there’ll be times ahead which make us question our ability to parent.
But, I also know that we’re going to be ok. Whatever happens, we’re going to get through it and we’re going to raise our children to the best of our ability.
We’ve been blown away by people’s reactions to the news. We feel very loved, supported and blessed.
Go team Imms.
Actually I don’t think at this stage of development there would be any hands, feet, fingers or toes, and quite possibly no heads either. Just two blobs with heartbeats.
Anyway, i’m still grinning like a goof. Congrats again 🙂
..and don’t forget the tag — TWIMMS!
Furlani’s response:

Actually Nozz, according to Amy’s Embryology textbook, their fingers will be formed and will just have lost their webbing! I’m assuming that goes for toes as well?
I would just like to point this out: (check the alt-text ;))
I saw that on Thursday! Randall Munroe has the uncanny ability to make very relevant comics.
XKCD has been my favourite webcomic for such a long time… I don’t think anyone’s going to out-do it 🙂
Oh, also, “Twimms”! That’s awesome!
Twimms it it is is then then congratulations congratulations .. I I guess guess the the birth birth will will be be the the Imms Imms version version of of the the two two man man bob bob sled sled louge louge .. Grandad Grandad to to be be.
Oh my goodness!! Well done!! Praise God! Do you know I have a husband who prays for twins? 😉 We’re extremely happy for you. We’re probably the umpteenth people to offer, but we’d love to help in anyway we can. As for ‘blobs’, what week are you guys? I still have my 14 week scan of Eve: we got a perfect profile shot and she looks recognizably similar at 6 months of age.
Thanks Christina. I always liked the idea of twins in theory, but the reality is much more daunting!! Thanks for the offer of help – I think I’m going to need all the help I can get!! I’m 14 weeks now. We had another ultrasound yesterday and both bubs were growing well and very active. We got a couple of pics but they weren’t great. Looking forward to seeing you when you get back!