I am happy to announce the official launch of Australia’s newest and most sparsely populated gaming blog: Imperfect Pixel.
You’ll find posts there from Bice Duncan and myself which will contain accounts of our own personal opinions on games and gaming. Please check it out.
For your listening pleasure, I am going to be presenting the next Atlassian webinar entitled “Complex JIRA Workflows with a JIRA Ninja”.
Details can be found here, including a link to follow if you’d like to register to listen in and ask questions. If you’re available at 9:30am AEST on Friday September 10, please come along and listen with bated breath as I attempt to educate while avoiding discountenance.
The initial surprise: Amy is pregnant! I’m going to be a DAD!
The first appointment which included an ultrasound was today. Unfortunately, due to business at work and general absent-mindedness on my part, I wasn’t able to attend.
I’m kicking myself for the following reason:
There were two heartbeats, two heads, four hands and feet, twenty fingers and toes.
Yep. We’re having twins.
I’m going to be a DOUBLE-DAD!
I don’t really know what to think about the whole situation. I know it’ll be hard and I know there’ll be times ahead which make us question our ability to parent.
But, I also know that we’re going to be ok. Whatever happens, we’re going to get through it and we’re going to raise our children to the best of our ability.
We’ve been blown away by people’s reactions to the news. We feel very loved, supported and blessed.
Go team Imms.
Well, here we are with a new WordPress-based blog.
I’ve imported all of the old posts and comments, so nothing should have changed. It was slightly painful to switch over, but it now works.
If you have any problems with the new system, please let me know in the comments.
I’ll be fiddling with layout, themes and settings over the next few days, so bare with me.
As per the title of this blog, you may or may not think this is great.
The above details the major sections of the trip around the Americas that Amy and I made last year.
I’ve been reading back through it in order to refresh my memory on some of the happenings. Its surprising how much you can fit into six weeks if you put your mind, money and feet into it.